Achieving Optimal Health Through Balanced Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guidelines by ICMR

In our pursuit of optimal health and well-being, dietary choices play a pivotal role. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has established a set of dietary goals and guidelines to help individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle. These recommendations aim to ensure positive health, optimal performance, and the prevention of chronic diseases across all stages of life. From promoting the growth and development of infants and adolescents to ensuring the health and longevity of the elderly, these guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for balanced nutrition.

At Petpuja.Com, we are dedicated to empowering our readers with knowledge about these essential guidelines. In this first post of our series, we will look into the principles laid out by the ICMR, exploring how to incorporate them into our daily routines. 

Join us as we embark on this journey towards better health, sharing insights and practical tips to help you achieve a balanced and nutritious diet. Stay tuned for more posts in this series, where we will continue to break down these guidelines and provide actionable advice for a healthier future. 


1. Maintenance of a state of positive health and optimal performance in populations at large by maintaining ideal body weight. 

2. Ensuring adequate nutritional status for pregnant women and lactating mothers. 

3. Improvement of birth weights and promotion of growth of infants, children and adolescents to achieve their full genetic potential. 

4. Achievement of adequacy in all nutrients and prevention of deficiency diseases. 

5. Prevention of chronic diet-related disorders. 

6. Maintenance of the health of the elderly and increasing the life expectancy. 


Right nutritional behaviour and dietary choices are needed to achieve dietary goals. The following 15 dietary guidelines provide a broad framework for appropriate action: 

1. Eat a variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet. 

2. Ensure the provision of extra food and healthcare to pregnant and lactating women. 

3. Promote exclusive breastfeeding for six months and encourage breastfeeding for two years or as long as one can. 

4. Feed home-based semi-solid foods to the infant after six months. 

5. Ensure adequate and appropriate diets for children and adolescents, both in health and sickness. 

6. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. 

7. Ensure moderate use of edible oils and animal foods and very little use of ghee/ butter/ vanaspati. 

8. Avoid overeating to prevent overweight and obesity. 

9. Exercise regularly and be physically active to maintain ideal body weight. 

10. Restrict salt intake to a minimum. 

11. Ensure the use of safe and clean foods. 

12. Adopt the right pre-cooking processes and appropriate cooking methods. 

13. Drink plenty of water and take beverages in moderation. 

14. Minimize the use of processed foods rich in salt, sugar and fats. 

15. Include micronutrient-rich foods in the diets of elderly people to enable them to be fit and active.

These are the basic framework on which ICMR has issued food guidelines to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

More details in the next blog post. 

Till then take care and enjoy life!

Neerja Bhatnagar

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